Welcome to the “official blog” for Jenn and Adam’s big adventure, Trans-Continental Mambo. We will be travelling from Canada to South America.
Scheduled to depart on September 22nd, 2013, we missed our departure date but October 22nd will work just fine.
The current weather on our start date up here in Beaverton, Ontario is clear skies, 6 degrees Celsius and windy. It is time to put on our layers, fire up our heated gear and head for warmer weather. Our first “destination” is Buffalo, New York to pick up some last minute items we had drop shipped there. From there on, the plan is to head towards Douglas, Arizona.
For quite a few weeks now we have been spending most of our time dealing with various details around getting prepared for this trip. There are a number of people we would like to thank and this will follow. Getting this blog up and running has mostly been a secondary priority and it will develop as time goes on.
Check back soon!